TECADE will assemble the largest part of the Swedish viaduct at the Armament Dock in the Port of Seville
TECADE has received administrative authorization from the Seville Port Authority to occupy a 1,512-square-meter plot at the Armament Dock and thus facilitate the assembly and transport of the largest and heaviest part of the Hisingsbron viaduct in Gothenburg (Sweden), corresponding to the lifting spann of the bridge. This element is the most critical and complex for loading maneuvers due to the size of the set. Loading is planned to be carried out for this summer.
The structure will have dimensions of 45m long x 37m wide x 3m high with an approximate weight of 600 tons and will be assembled from the modules that TECADE prefabricates at its facilities.
With it, this emblematic work that has been running and transporting from the Port of Seville in recent months, will be completed.