The Mayor and the President of the Seville Provincial Council attend the start-up of the substation built by TECADE for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind offshore wind farm

The president of the Port Authority of Seville and a representation of businessmen watch the complex manoeuvre on board a ship at an event organised by Sevitrade. The mega-structure has crossed the lock after four o’clock in the afternoon and is now on its way to the Danish port of Aalborg, where the installation of the equipment will be completed before being transferred to the USA.

Seville, 17 de junio. The departure along the Guadalquivir River of the second electrical substation for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind offshore wind farm, built by TECADE and
assembled in the Port of Seville, has become an event followed with great expectation by Sevillian authorities and businessmen. Starting at midday this Monday, the complex port
operation has been contemplated on board a ship from the dock by the Mayor of Seville, José Luis Sanz; the President of the Port Authority of Seville, Rafael Carmona; the President of the Economic and Social Council of Andalusia, Juan Marín; and the President of the Provincial Council of Seville, Javier Fernández de los Ríos, as well as port businessmen and councillors from the Seville City Council.

The event was organised by the Sevillian stevedoring company Sevitrade, which, as in the case of the first substation moved last December, was in charge of the consignment of the floating pontoon on which the 2,200 tonne, 60 metre long, 30 metre wide and 25 metre high mega-structure was loaded. Sevitrade’s intention is to highlight the value of the operations being carried out in the Port of Seville and which, in this case of TECADE, is a great example of the importance that project cargo is beginning to take on.

The operation has been coordinated by the Port Authority of Seville, Capitanía Marítima, the pilots’ corporation of the Port of Seville and the Guadalquivir estuary, tugboats, moorers, TECADE and CsWind, as well as Sevitrade. The megastructure successfully passed through the lock at around 16.00 on Tuesday afternoon. The substation is now sailing on board a barge propelled by a tugboat through the Guadalquivir estuary towards the Danish port of Aalborg, where the installation of the equipment will be completed before being transferred to its final destination: an offshore wind farm located 24 miles offshore, on the Atlantic coast of the USA.

During the boat trip, which allowed the participants to contemplate the industrial area of the Port of Seville and the potential of its companies, the CEO of TECADE, Antonio Camino, and the president of Sevitrade, Javier García, explained the importance of the project, which is a major milestone for the metal-mechanical industry and for the Port of Seville, as it is the first time that substations for the offshore wind industry have been manufactured and assembled entirely in Seville.

Both the Mayor and the President of the Provincial Council have highlighted the value of the Sevillian talent that this project represents, as well as the drive of these two family
companies, which have more than 30 years of history. Specifically, Sevitrade celebrates its 35th anniversary this autumn and TECADE its 38th.
More employment and more projects for TECADE

TECADE, at the request of its client, will travel to Denmark these days with specialist personnel to participate in the third substation of this project, still unfinished, in order to
contribute its experience and its great capacity, already demonstrated. Around twenty collaborating companies, many of them local, have also participated in the project already executed in Seville, which gives an idea of the great potential that this sector has for generating wealth in the territory.

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